The COMMONTARY technology allows video viewers to create or listen to an additional audio stream that is delivered via their device and synced with their video. Users can enhance their video viewing experience by listening to the alternate audio in tandem with the source video or on its own.


COMMONTARY delivers a means by which content providers can drive engagement, utilize talent, and further monetize content — and can also enable access to audiences consuming video elsewhere via original alternate audio content that is synced with the 3rd party video. The COMMONTARY technology can also be used to support user-generated content to allow audience members to start their own individual channels and provide alternate commentary themselves.

For more information about potential uses for the COMMONTARY technology, please visit our Uses for COMMONTARY page.


Media talent can create original alternate audio content or viewers can be allowed to create their own as a way to increase engagement, for promotional purposes, etc. It's similar to Tweeting a live event except that rather than text, the content is delivered via audio that's synced with the listener's video.


COMMONTARY's algorithm is very flexible and can be dropped into any 3rd party app, social media channel, or website. The COMMONTARY team is nearing completion of a demo for an iOS app that has been developed. Apps for alternate mobile platforms, set-top boxes & Smart TVs are also possible.


COMMONTARY audio is delivered live and can also be used for recorded video.


Please visit our How it Works page for more information about how the COMMONTARY technology works to create and deliver an alternate audio feed.

To arrange a demo, or to inquire about potential partnerships, please contact us today.